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Founder ManHi Han’s, L.Ac, Ph.D. vision was to provide a non-surgical Asian healing to people. Our clinic was established in 1972 in Los Angeles in Koreatown. ManHi first started with Oriental Health Food and Herbs Company. Our clinic is the oldest and largest with 4800 square feet among Korean-American acupuncturists. We have been at our current location since 1984. We specialize in Five Elements of Chinese classic and Korean acupuncture points. We also use modern Korean acupuncture techniques to treat acute and chronic conditions. We have a foundation of DongEuiBoGam from Korean Acupuncturist HuhJune in 1600. We specialize in Lee, JaeMa’s Korean SaSang method in prescribing Korean and Chinese traditional herbs. ManHi specialized in this method in the 70s, which became very popular in the 90s in both Korea and the U.S. Currently, JeungSook Han and ByungHo Jeon are available at Los Angeles Main office. E.J. Han is available at Seattle office.